Westonbirt School pupils all agree that meals here are absolutely delicious!
They are provided by top school caterers Holroyd Howe, who serve up a varied and nutritious range of meals, with enough choice to meet a wide range of dietary requirements.
Each day students will enjoy a hearty breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon tea and an evening meal.
Meals are taken in the beautiful and ornate dining rooms at Westonbirt.
Our international students benefit from:
- Integration with UK host students who are fully involved in the daytime programme, participating in the Team Project Challenge, Career Skills sessions, Academies and other social activities
- Inspirational house and surroundings
- Excellent facilities, including leisure centre with indoor swimming pool and golf course
- 90 years’ experience in educating and supporting international students
- High-quality English-language provision and academic programmes created by Westonbirt School staff
- Class sizes limited to 12
- Exciting range of high-quality coaching Academies to choose from
- Three excursions a week, including Bath, London, and Oxford
- Comfortable and attractive boarding facilities, with both single and 2-5 person dormitory rooms
- Delicious catering with plenty of choice
- A great opportunity to experience life in a British boarding school